Writers' Café is back!

The CNY Arts Center is again sponsoring a venue for writers to share their work. The casual and supportive setting allows new and experienced writers to "test' their work and get feedback. People are welcome to share poetry, a chapter from a novel or memoir, an article for a newspaper or blog posting, etc. This program is open to all ages. No need to register ahead of time. Just show up! I'll be facilitating the event which runs the last Sunday of each month from 6 to 8 p.m. NOTE: DUE TO HOW THE HOLIDAYS FALL THIS YEAR, WE WILL BE HOSTING OUR NEXT CAFE ON SUNDAY, JANUARY 17TH AT 6PM. BEGINNING IN FEBRUARY, THE CAFES WILL RESUME ON THE LAST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH (FEBRUARY 28)

We'll gather at the Art Center's new location:

The Cayuga Community College Fulton Campus, 11 River Glen Plaza, Fulton.